Our goal is simple.
To give deserving students access to quality education.
THE MAGBIT FOUNDATION is a charitable organization tax exempt under section 501(c)(3) (of the Internal Revenue Code) founded 34 years ago by leaders of the Los Angeles Jewish community. Our goal is simple: To provide deserving students in Israel and the United States with loans and scholarships so they can attain higher education.
Each year, we provide hundreds of thousands of dollars in loans and scholarships to deserving and qualified students. Loan and scholarship recipients are carefully selected from thousands of applicants by our volunteer student loan committee.
These loans are repaid by the students, and the repaid funds are then used to provide new loans to a new cohort of qualified students. Therefore, every dollar donated provides generations of benefits.

To date, over 15,000 qualified students throughout Israel and the United States have received loans or scholarships from Magbit, in furtherance of this mission.
STUDENTS IN ISRAEL NEED OUR HELP. In Israel, military service is compulsory, meaning that every individual must serve in the military upon graduating from high school. After their service, many do not have the financial means to pursue higher education, and are forced to work in order to cover the costs of their basic needs.
Therefore, some of Israel’s brightest minds – the next generation of leaders, innovators, trailblazers, and creators -- may never get the opportunity to reach their full potential. We have a duty to serve those who have bravely served their country and our community, by ensuring that the best educational opportunities are available to them. Their duty is to serve and defend our homeland and its future, our duty is to invest in theirs.
It is with your suppport that we are able to continue our worthy and worthwhile mission. Whose future will you sponsor today?
Federal Student Loan Rate provided by CNBC, according to data analyzed by higher education expert Mark Kantrowitz.